Parkhurst Laser MedSpa Consultation - October 2019
SurgiVision Consultants, Inc / Kristine A. Romine, MD
- Opportunities
• There is a huge opportunity for cross referrals between NuVision surgery patients and Aesthetics. • The multiple touchpoints (3-4 times per year) for aesthetic patients will bring NuVision new state of the art refractive offerings to top of mind, due to the co-location of the 2 spaces. • Add an Aesthetic Concierge Desk/ Consultant to make the cross- referral process seamless. This Value Added service would be a unique opportunity for the aesthetic consultant to help break down some barriers and make patients feel more welcome to discover your Medspa / aesthetic offerings. • Logistics of the Aesthetic Concierge Consultant/ Desk - While waiting in the big, beautiful, open NuVision reception area, patients will have an option of discovering aesthetic offer- ings, complimentary. Would consider offering patients the opportunity to come to their NuVision appointment early to receive a complimentary consultation prior to their visit with Dr Parkhurst, since they are “already going to be there”. (Some dealerships offer complimentary pedicures while car owners are waiting for their car to be serviced). This service would not disrupt the flow of NuVision as the patient is still in general waiting area and can comfortably return to their aesthetic Consultation after completing their medical service if they want more information, now that their interest in aesthetic services has been elevated. • As part of the Aesthetic Concierge complimentary services–I recommend that you have the Visia on a wheeled table or stand to offer complimentary UV scans while they wait. There is nothing like showing patients their UV scan of their photodamage to convert them to an eager consumer of your services!
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