PHYSICIAN CEO 2020 Participant Directory
Having been given a wonderful all-round education through sacrifices made for her by her mother, Delyce (Dee) Wevill has largely
been involved in Primary Health Care. Since graduating with an MBChB from the University of Cape Town (UCT ) she has worked
in general practices in South Africa, done locum work in the UK and Canada, bought and managed a solo practice in the Western
Cape and then worked as a GP in England after having passed the exams to become a member of the Royal College of GPs when
her family moved there in 2002. Presently, she works in a general practice near her home in Central England to attend to the needs
of her 2 daughters as well as her patients. Her field of interest is women's health. She has a DFFP (Diploma of the Faculty of Family
Planning) and in 2007 completed an MSC module on the Menopause for which she received a postgraduate award.
In 2012 her whole family were part of a mission to Uganda during which she was part of a team who, for 2 weeks, ran medical clinics
in the very deprived Wakiso and Kisenyi districts of Kampala in Uganda while her husband, an eye surgeon, assisted in the training
and development of Ugandan ophthalmologists and her 2 daughters helped out with running a holiday camp at Kampala Children's
Centre (KCC), a grass-roots charitable project in Uganda which is making a huge difference to vulnerable children - those caught in
poverty, orphaned by disease and the legacy of war – by giving them a home, hope, a family and a future with possibilities..
Subsequent to that involvement with KCC, and touched by how effective their work is, she organized a charity ball to raise money
for the equipping and staffing of a medical centre. Together with their founder and director, she and Arnold have worked since 2013
to bring the vision of a clinic which will make quality healthcare accessible to all those who can least afford it into being by August
She is passionate about art, dance and travel. She is an involved member of a local church where she was on the board of directors
for about 3 years. But, her most important passion is her family. She counts it a privilege to be part of the journey of her 2 daughters
developing into effective women who are taking their place in the world. Nothing makes her prouder than seeing them discovering
who they are and being true to themselves as they make life choices and decisions. One of the highlights of her life was summitting
Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa at 5895 masl, together with her family. Not because it was a personal achievement but
because it was achieved as a family and for what it did for them to undertake something like that together as a unit.
Because her family are all busy and hard-working they all treasure family holidays to far-flung and interesting countries where they
have “adventures” together be it kayaking around Greek islands, skiing, hiking through a desert, bargaining for a carpet in a souk,
snorkeling in tropical waters, or just wandering through the ancient parts of a city and going into a restaurant where only the locals
eat. Creating memories is important for her as is living life without regrets. Since she understood the concept of “Carpe Diem” that
has been part of how she lives her life. Respecting and caring for the world – both metaphysically and the beautiful people in it – are
fundamental to her outlook on life.
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