PHYSICIAN CEO Alumni Directory
Alan Faulkner, MD is the owner of Aloha Laser Vision in Honolulu, Hawaii. Dr Faulkner graduated from Northwestern
University with a BA in Sociology in 1976. He then ran a construction business in Iowa for 4 years. He then returned to
school at the University of Hawaii where he finished pre-med studies. He was accepted to Tulane Medical School,
graduating in 1986. After completing his internship in Internal Medicine, his residency in Ophthalmology, and a fellowship
in Oculoplastics, Oncology, and Orbital Disease at Tulane he joined the full-time faculty at Tulane as an Assistant Professor
of Ophthalmology. During his 8 years at Tulane he served as the Chief of Ophthalmology at Charity Hospital, New
Orleans, the Residency Program Director, the Director of the Oculoplastics, Oncology, and Orbital Disease and practiced
general ophthalmology. In these positions he trained dozens of residents, many who have become leaders in the field. In
2000 her returned to Honolulu and purchased his father's ophthalmology practice and founded Aloha Laser Vision in 2001.
Since 2001, Dr. Faulkner has built a world-class cataract and refractive surgery practice. He has been an invited speaker at
CME meetings in the US and Europe.
Dr Faulkner is a recognized expert in refractive surgery and refractive cataract surgery. Although he quit doing oculoplastics
several years ago, he has maintained interest in the field and is currently working to re-integrate cosmetic plastics into his
practice. Professionally he has a strong interest in the business side of medical practice, with emphasis on both cash pay
services as well as reimbursed care. Currently he is working on the acquisition of a large multi-specialty ophthalmic practice
in Hawaii that was originally a retina-focused practice.
His desire is to grow a multi-island, multi-specialty network that: provides high quality ophthalmic care, provides care in
underserved areas and provides a stimulating and satisfying practice situation for physicians.
Growing up in Hawaii, Dr. Faulkner has always enjoyed the ocean and the many forms of recreation it provides. He is an
avid sports fisherman; he still occasionally surfs, and always revels in the beauty of his home state. He owns a sport fishing
boat and enjoys maintaining and working on it. He is pretty sufficient at mechanical and electrical systems. He likes to
snowboard in Colorado. Dr. Faulkner likes to cook and has baked homemade cookies for his Lasik patients for over 10
years. He enjoys traveling, experiencing different cultures, and art museums.
At the tender young age of 59 Dr. Faulkner is looking to transition more to a leadership business role while gradually
decreasing his direct patient responsibilities. The acquisition of the large ophthalmic network is the first step towards that
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