PHYSICIAN CEO 2022 Participant Directory

Michael Waggoner DO is an ophthalmic surgeon specializing in cataract, LASIK and cornea surgery at the

BoozmanHof Eye Clinic in Rogers AR. He completed his medical education at the University of North Texas –

TCOM and ophthalmology residency at the University of Missouri – Columbia. He then trained as a fellow in

cataract, LASIK and corneal surgery at the Dean McGee Eye Institute in Oklahoma City.

Over the first ten years of his career, he has completed over 10,000 surgical procedures and has published book

chapters in the American Academy of Ophthalmology core training manuals. He serves as a consultant to

several industry partners and is a member of the Refractive Surgery Alliance.

Dr Waggoner has three children and enjoys mountain biking, hiking and travel.

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