PHYSICIAN CEO 2022 Participant Directory

Welcome to PHYSICIAN CEO 2022


The PHYSICIAN CEO network is a valuable feature of the program. Please use this confidential directory

of the 2022 PHYSICIAN CEO® class to learn about the program participants and to foster communica-

tions throughout the year. As you will see, the class of 2022 is an impressive collection of extraordinary indi-

viduals drawing from 6 continents, 10 specialties, and a broad span of ages.

The PHYSICIAN CEO® program was developed by SurgiVision Consultants, Inc. in collaboration with the

Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. We are fortunate to have a partner in Kellogg,

which is consistently ranked among the top programs in the world for Executive Education. Most of all, we

are fortunate to work with physicians of such high caliber as those in the 2022 PHYSICIAN CEO program.

Globally acclaimed faculty, a focus on CEO leadership, and a physician-oriented curriculum combine to

make the PHYSICIAN CEO program unique. As we embark on the first module, we begin of a journey

that will lead to growth, new visions and lasting friendships.

I am honored by your participation and look forward to a successful program.

- Guy M. Kezirian, MD, MBA, FACS

President, SurgiVision Consultants, Inc. Program Chairman, PHYSICIAN CEO

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