PHYSICIAN CEO 2022 Participant Directory

Shalesh Kaushal, MD, PhD obtained his BS degree at Yale University in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry. Subsequently, he completed his MD

at Johns Hopkins and PhD at MIT with the Nobel Laureate Dr. Har Gobind Khorana. Following his PhD, he completed his residency at the Doheny

Eye Institute/USC Department of Ophthalmology and his surgical retina fellowship at the Washington University St. Louis/Barnes Retina Institute.

He spent an additional year at Moorfields Eye Hospital and the Institute of Ophthalmology in London.

While at the University of Florida, he was the Richardson II Chair and head of the retina division. Dr. Kaushal established the clinical and surgical

retina division, recruited physicians, trained residents and surgical fellows mentored undergraduates, medical students, graduate students, and post-

docs in his research lab. Further, he organized an annual retina symposium that attracted many key leaders both in the US and internationally. During

that time, he established and became the Director of the Charlie Mack Overstreet Laboratory for Retinal Therapies. In 2009, he was recruited to the

University of Massachusetts as the chairman to build a new eye center and the first new academic Department of Ophthalmology in the United States

in over 25 years. Besides these academic pursuits, he is the founder of three biotech companies and has been a consultant for most of the leading

ophthalmic pharmaceutical companies. In 2013, Dr. Kaushal transitioned back to Florida to pursue private practice.

The thrust of Dr. Kaushal’s basic research is to understand the cellular, molecular and biochemical events that cause retinal and macular degeneration.

Collectively, the major research projects in his lab couple biochemical, small molecule and genetic approaches to understanding these important

retinal diseases. Some of his work has led to novel physician initiated clinical trials. Dr. Kaushal was the first in the world to use four of the new drugs

in the management of retina patients.

More recently, his research has lResearch in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), the Macula Society,

American Ophthalmological ed to the identification of certain nutraceuticals to mitigate common retinal diseases like macular degeneration and

diabetic retinopathy. This has led him to further understand the direct role of nutritional biochemistry in controlling the structure and function of the

retina. He is also actively developing stem cell treatments for retinal diseases.

Three years ago, he co-founded a nov el nutraceutical company, Rheostasis, based on his discoveries and desire to treat diseases at their root

biochemical cause. This company has developed novel formulations for eye health, sugar metabolism, vascular health, and preserving and optimizing

cellular health.

Dr. Kaushal has served on the scientific board or as a consultant for many of the major pharmaceutical and ophthalmic companies. He is a consultant

for multiple other biotechnology and diagnostic device companies.

He has a currently funded research project studying the incidence of diabetic retinopathy in the general population using a novel telemedicine

instrument. Separately, he has an ongoing research collaboration with the University of Florida, Department of Pediatric Endocrinology.

Dr. Kaushal is a member of the Association of Society (AOS), Retina Society, the American Society of Retina Specialists (ASRS), the American Board

and Academy of Regenerative Medicine, the American Diabetes Association. He is also Fellow of the American College of Nutrition (ACN). In 2015,

Dr. Kaushal received the prestigious Seelig research award from the ACN. We is recognized in Marquis’s Who’s Who in Medicine and Science and

nominated by Castel Connolly as a Top Doctor. He is board certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology and the American Board of

Integrative and Holistic Medicine (ABIHM). He has been invited as a speaker throughout the US and internationally.

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