PHYSICIAN CEO 2017 Participant Directory

Douglas Senderoff , MD is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon practicing in New York City who specializes in

aesthetic surgery of the face and body. Dr Senderoff completed his undergraduate degree in Biology at Emory

University and his Master's degree in Human Nutrition at Columbia University. He earned his medical degree

from State University of New York Health Science Center, Brooklyn. Dr Senderoff trained in general surgery at

Beth Israel Medical Center, New York and completed his plastic surgery residency at The Mount Sinai Medical

Center in New York City along with a six month microsurgery research fellowship. Dr Senderoff is certified by

The American Board of Plastic Surgeons and is a member of The American Society of Plastic Surgeons, The

American Society For Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons and is a

Fellow of The American College of Surgeons.

Dr. Senderoff is the author of numerous publications and has presented his research at major plastic surgery

conferences around the U.S. Dr. Senderoff has produced numerous teaching videos to educate plastic surgeons

in the techniques he uses for buttock implant surgery, pectoral and biceps implant surgery and ultrasonic


Dr. Senderoff started his private practice in 1997 after completing his plastic surgery residency. He opened his

current plastic surgery clinic Park Avenue Aesthetic Surgery in 1999 located on Park Avenue South in

Manhattan, New York. The 4500 hundred square foot clinic contains 2 operating rooms and 4 treatment/exam

rooms. The facility is accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities

(AAAASF). Dr. Senderoff employs 1 aesthetician and 1 nurse s who provide skin care treatments including laser

and IPL to patients. Dr Senderoff employs 2 plastic surgeon associates who perform surgery in his Park Avenue


Dr. Senderoff lives in Manhattan and enjoys the entertainment, food and cultural events of New York City. He

enjoys exercising and can be found on the golf course in Westchester on most weekends weather permitting.

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