PHYSICIAN CEO 2017 Participant Directory

Sandra Cummings, AuD practices as an Audiological Scientist/diagnostic audiologist at Beacon Audiology. She

started the practice in 2001 and is currently the only clinic in Ireland providing fully comprehensive Audiological

and vestibular assessments for children and adults. Beacon Audiology has four full-time clinical audiologists

performing adult and paediatric hearing and balance assessments. The clinic has a 95% referral base from Ear,

Nose & Throat consultants, General practitioners, Neurologists, paediatricians and other rated medical


Dr Cummings is currently the President of the Irish Society of Hearing Aid Audiologists. Prior to relocating to

Ireland, Dr Cummings was a lecturer in the Department of Communication Pathology in Pretoria, South Africa,

lecturing in audiology as well as starting the University's Cochlear Implant Program in 1988. Dr Cummings is an

external examiner for Masters level Audiology degrees from the University of Pretoria, South Africa. Dr

Cummings is also a guest lecturer in the Audiology Department at the University of Cork, Ireland.

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